



Update from Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications Advisory Committee Oct. 10 Meeting

Caitlyn Jackson, ADR Analyst for the Civil and Criminal Programs Division of the Oregon Judicial Department provided a letter and slide deck update after their recent meeting.

The Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications Advisory Committee submits the enclosed memorandum and Chapter 12 amendments for the UTCR Committee’s consideration on October 10, 2024. Please refer to two primary submission attachments:

A Memorandum Regarding Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications: The memorandum summarizes the history of the Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications Advisory Committee and provides context for the amendments. The memorandum includes two appendices:

Appendix 1 (Preface): Introduces the Advisory Committee’s participants, underlying goals, and future recommendations.

Appendix 2: Lists examples of substantive amendments for quick reference.

UTCR Chapter 12 Amendments


Additionally, we are attaching the following supplemental materials to guide your discussion:

Chart 1: Compares the existing rule, the proposed rule, and the reasoning for substantive changes for Chapter 12 in numerical order.

Chart 2: Compares the proposed qualification requirements by mediator type.

Chart 3: Outlines the underlying requirements for each of the four court-connected mediation trainings.

Flowchart 1: Outlines the three mediator experience pathways for Domestic Relations Custody and Parenting Plan Mediators and Financial Issues Mediators.

Draft Mediation Training Curriculums: Promulgated by the State Court Administrator and referenced in 12.100, 12.110, and 12.120:

Updated Basic Mediation Training Curriculum (12.100)

Updated Domestic Relations Custody and Parenting Plan Mediation Training Curriculum (12.110)

New proposed Domestic Relations Financial Issues Mediation Training curriculum (12.120)